Wisdom and Forgiveness

Wisdom is, in part, our capacity to extract meaning and value from our experiences. The more capacity we have to extract meaning from an experience the more likely that we see ways it which good has or will come out of it. This makes naturally makes it easier to forgive. Wisdom is not an abstract … Read more

Will.i.am – The Unauthorized Biography, by Danny White

Just like any writer of an unauthorized biography the author, Danny White, did not have the advantage of direct access to will.i.am (William James Adams). However, unless you are an avid follower of the news about Will.i.am – and know most of the story so far – it provides interesting insights into the character of … Read more

From Unconscious Mind to Parallel Mind

I am having a bit of a problem with my Unconscious Mind. I am realizing that I don’t have one! “Where did you put it?”, you may ask. “Did it go into the washing machine along with that floppy red hat you like to wear?” As you probably know the term “Unconscious Mind” simply refers … Read more

Tough Forgiveness

Forgiveness gives us the freedom to stay and the freedom to walk away. Just as the idea of Tough Love has helped clarify a healthy expression of love, the concept of Tough Forgiveness can help use clarify a healthy expressions of forgiveness. Tough forgiveness has a lot to do with whether or not we want … Read more

Hi Tech and The Holy Grail

It is when we ask, “What ails thee? How can I serve?” and respond with our warrior spirit, that we find the Grail. In the quest for the Holy Grail the main turning point is when the hero asks two questions. There are different version of these two questions and each version offers different insights. … Read more

Simple Way to Help Empower People

Some years ago a friend of mine did something which really helped me turn around a situation where I was feeling very challenged. It took her all of two seconds. It was one of the best and most effective things I have ever come across. I was moaning about a situation I was finding feeling … Read more

Shower of Power

The famous motivational expert Anthony Robbins has his Hour of Power; I have my Shower of Power. What is a Shower of Power? Well it`s really very simple. I was looking for a way to bring more positivity into my life. I decided it would be good to find a way to use small routine … Read more

Self Encouragement: The Royal Road to Self Growth

“You are not something broken which needs ‘fixed’. Your are evolving into becoming ‘you’. Encourage yourself to grow by giving yourself self encouragement – positive reinforcement of the best in you. That way you will answer, ‘Who am I?’ and doubts about your self worth, by what you are continuously becoming.” – williamfergusmartin.com_ Self encouragement … Read more

Reiki Meditations for Self-Healing, Bronwen Stiene

Truly excellent. This is a wonderful set of CDs by Bronwen Stiene and is relevant to anyone interested in becoming more centred, happier and at peace. What makes it so good is the remarkable way Bronwen uses her voice to speak from the space which she wants to induce in her listeners. She speaks from … Read more
